Queensland Centre for Mothers and Babies (QCMB) is about to set off on their third Roadshow, visiting women and their primary maternity carers in Dalby (7th June), Miles (8th June), Roma (9th June), St George (10th June) and Goondiwindi (11th June).
The purpose of this Roadshow is to listen to women and their primary maternity carers views on what it is like to be pregnant, birth and care for a newborn (and provide care for those who are pregnant, birthing and caring for newborns) while living in South West Queensland.
QCMB are hoping to speak with pregnant women and new mums in and near all the towns listed above. They are particularly keen to listen to women who are aware of the state of maternity care in their area, including what other women and their families say about it.
Please circulate this information among your networks, especially to people in Dalby, Miles, Roma, St George and Goondi (or surrounding areas). For further information, please contact Rachelle Jones at QCMB (contact details below).
Rachelle Jones
Research Officer
Queensland Centre for Mothers & Babies
The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
t. +61 7 3346 3083 f. +61 7 3346 3085
e. r.jones6@uq.edu.au
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